Monday, February 19, 2018


Feb 19, 2017

Another strange thing we saw while geocaching in the desert near Quartzite was desert golfing. We have seen desert golfing before, but the whole area has been cleared of brush and there are  green areas where the holes are. I know nothing about golf, so can't remember the official name of the areas. This golf course wasn't cleared  or smoothed out at all, just scrub brush everywhere. The holes didn't have any green whatsoever.  I'm not a golfer, but it seems like it would be very hard because of all the rough dirt, sand and brush. Wish I had a picture to show you but didn't have my phone with me.  In my blog a few weeks ago, I showed a picture of the courses we are used to seeing. We have never seen one of these courses before. There were 3 people playing. 

I doubt if we will ever go back to Parker again. We have been coming for several years and at one time had lots of friends here. We first came here because a cousin of Denny's wintered here.  Most of the friends and Denny's cousin have all left to go on to different places. It is a great park, but internet is terrible, so it is time to go elsewhere.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Feb 18, 2017

Parker, AZ is just a little town. It only has a Walmart, Safeway and CVS pharmacy for shopping. But, it is on the Colorado river for the big tourist draw. Most people here are boaters or have ATVs to go  offroading into the desert . It is amazing to see so many big houses here. Even with all boaters and ATVs, can't quite see the big draw for all these homes.

 Most of these houses are for vacations and weekends. Not many live here full-time. There are no big  companies and the commute would be too far. The closest town is over 30 miles and that town doesn't have much either. 

All of these pictures were taken from the park we stay at across the river.

We drove into the area to see them up close. Can you imagine living in this house on the edge of the cliff. Looks like an accident waiting to happen.

Offroading with an ATV  in the desert is something else I don't understand. You see people covered from head to toe, with a bandana covering their faces, except for their eyes. They wear goggles to protect their eyes from the dirt and dust.  What is the draw of going into the desert to get o dusty and dirty. 

 We went offroading in a jeep in the Colorado Rockies a few years ago. It was fun, but  very scary. Checked it off our bucket list, even tho it was never really on it. I don't think we even HAVE a bucket list.  No dust or sand to get in the eyes, just beautiful scenery. We were up over 12,000'. Some places were were right on the edge of the road with a 600' drop. We were above the snow line.  I would certainly do that before I would go in the desert. So lucky that Al, our friend who was the driver, is very skilled at this.  I was yelling alot.  Kim and Al are friends we first met in Palm Springs, but visited them in Colorado. They are full timers and offroading is what they do.

The people walking up the hill are Menonites. We were surprised to see them. 


Feb 18, 2018

I haven't posted anything for a long time because out Internet  in Parker was almost nonexistent. I finally gave up trying to do the blog. We are now in Palm Springs, so need to catch up.

While we were in the desert geocaching , near Quartzsite, we came upon some guys panning for gold. There is no water anywhere close, but thousands of years ago, this area was all underwater.  Can't imagine a harder way to make a living, hopefully they were only doing it as a hobby.

The holes you see in the pictures below are where they have been digging with 5 gal buckets. Each picture is a different area where men were working.

There were 5 guys in this group. The man below is sifting the sand to hopefully find gold. Certainly dusty, dirty work.   NOT FOR ME!!!!