Sunday, February 18, 2018


Feb 18, 2018

I haven't posted anything for a long time because out Internet  in Parker was almost nonexistent. I finally gave up trying to do the blog. We are now in Palm Springs, so need to catch up.

While we were in the desert geocaching , near Quartzsite, we came upon some guys panning for gold. There is no water anywhere close, but thousands of years ago, this area was all underwater.  Can't imagine a harder way to make a living, hopefully they were only doing it as a hobby.

The holes you see in the pictures below are where they have been digging with 5 gal buckets. Each picture is a different area where men were working.

There were 5 guys in this group. The man below is sifting the sand to hopefully find gold. Certainly dusty, dirty work.   NOT FOR ME!!!!

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