Monday, February 19, 2018


Feb 19, 2017

Another strange thing we saw while geocaching in the desert near Quartzite was desert golfing. We have seen desert golfing before, but the whole area has been cleared of brush and there are  green areas where the holes are. I know nothing about golf, so can't remember the official name of the areas. This golf course wasn't cleared  or smoothed out at all, just scrub brush everywhere. The holes didn't have any green whatsoever.  I'm not a golfer, but it seems like it would be very hard because of all the rough dirt, sand and brush. Wish I had a picture to show you but didn't have my phone with me.  In my blog a few weeks ago, I showed a picture of the courses we are used to seeing. We have never seen one of these courses before. There were 3 people playing. 

I doubt if we will ever go back to Parker again. We have been coming for several years and at one time had lots of friends here. We first came here because a cousin of Denny's wintered here.  Most of the friends and Denny's cousin have all left to go on to different places. It is a great park, but internet is terrible, so it is time to go elsewhere.

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