Sunday, March 4, 2018


March 4, 2017

We finally came to Palm Springs on Feb 17th. Palm Springs is our favorite place in all of our travels. We usually spend 2.5 or 3 months here, but we re doing something different this year. We are staying here 6 weeks, then going to Parhump, NV. It us about 60 miles southwest of Las Vegas. We like to see new places and we have never been there, so off we go.

Last week we did a vert typical touristy thing  in Palm Springs. We took a walking historical tour of Old Palm Springs. It was very interesting to her about how the area was settled and the history. We saw several locations that we had never seen. It gave us a real look into how things used to be. We heard about several feisty woman settlers that helped shape the town. Loved hearing that! They wore PANTS, unheard of in those days. 

This is the oldest home built in Palm Springs in the early 1800's.  A doctor settled here from Boston for the dry climate to treat his son's tuberculosis. This is the man that started it all. 

Typical views around old Palm Springs.  

Denny sitting with Sony Bono. After his singing career with Cher, he got involved in politics and became mayor of Palm Springs.  Our guide was on the City Council when Sony became mayor. He was so naive about the job that he thought it was a 2 yr term instead of 4. He didn't really accomplish much, but did bring in the International Film Festival. 

They loved their dogs so much, they built these water bowls for them all over the city

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