Sunday, March 18, 2018


March 16, 2017

 I did another very touristy thing a few days ago.I went on another guided tour in Palm Springs of the Movie Colony. This is an area where alot of movie stars of old used to live. Interesting, but tiring. It was almost 3 hours long.

This is Frank Sinatra's home. He had it built in 1947. He would raise a Jack Daniels flag up the pole to alert his neighbors to come over for a party.  He moved to Rancho Mirage in 1969  til he passed away.  

This is the home of Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis. It is now owned by the lady in the driveway.

This is Jack Benny's home. Notice the B on the gate. 

This was Clark Gable's home. 

Notice the mailbox is a copy of the home.

This property is called the Christmas House. During Christmas, the house and grounds are decorated in lights with music. We have friends that went there. You walk around all the grounds. Its owner is  an artist that uses material picked up from everywhere and makes it into art.  Amazing to see. I don't think I would want to live across the street from him during the holidays. Streets are congested with traffic. 

Another unique mailbox

Typical homes in the neighborhood

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