Sunday, March 18, 2018


March 18, 2018

As many of you know,  I started geocaching. It is an adult treasure hunt. You put coordinates into a GPS and try and find hidden treasures. It started in 2001, with the headquarters in Seattle, WA. There are 6 million  hidden caches world wide with 2 million geocachers trying to find them, There is even one on the International Space Station. That is certainly one that I will never find. I started it to give us something to do on our travels and it takes us to places we would have never seen. Denny isn't as enthusiastic as I am about it, but he is really good at finding them. 

There are many varieties of cactus in the  desert. One of the worst is the cholla, with the nickname of the jumping cactus. You can't even get close to it and it seems to jump onto you.  When we were geocaching, I stepped on one.  Eventho my shoes had thick soles, I still felt it. The barbs are hooked on the end so you have to use a pliers to get them out.  It is even worse if you accidentally sit on one or just brush up against it.  Using your fingers won't get them out at all.  OUCH!! 

Saw this house while we were geocaching. They certainly didn't have to adhere to any color codes in the desert. Notice the purple gate in front. The back of the house is painted that color. Very cheerful!!

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