Thursday, February 6, 2020


January 30, 2020

Most of the time when we geocache in the desert, it just entails a lot of walking around. My geobuddy, Bernie, wanted to the the Geo Art Valentine series. Geo Art is when the caches are in the shape of something, not just in a line or random. We have done a few in the shape of an egg and a circle. Close to Area 51, the Geo Art is in the shape of an alien head and a spaceship. They are fun to do. This heart was in the middle of the desert, no trails or anything. We went up and down washes and hills. Sometimes there was no clearing, so we had to go straight thru the bushes and cactus. We found all 50 geocaches, it took 6.5 hours. I drank 4 bottles of water, BUT, forgot my lunch in the refrigerator. I only had cookies and a small tangerine with me. How could I have forgotten that! Thank heavens Bernie gave me one of his sandwiches. Bernie is very tall so his stride is much longer than mine. I take 3 steps to his one. I hiked 13 miles, but Bernie only had 10.   Seems like there must be a web design that will make the shapes you want and map it out for you.  Caches have to be at least 550 ' apart.   Looks like alot of  hard work but there is alot of Geo Art. Amazing to me.

I also had the wrong shoes. Of course, they were in the RV, which we don't have right now. Thought i would have blisters, but didn't. I wore my most comfortable walking hoes, but they aren't made for hiking.

Picture of the geo Art. The yellow circle smileys are ones that have been  found. The green circles are ones I haven't found.

Views of the desert. Can't really tell by these pictures how hard the terrain was to get thru.

Thought this was a strange looking saguaro cactus. Have never seen one with 4 little ones growing at the base

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