Saturday, February 22, 2020


February 14, 2020

I forgot to get Denny a Valentines Day card. Think it is the first time that has ever happened. With being homeless and living at people's houses, we never went to stores like we usually do and  I just never gave it a thought. The night before, I mentioned to Denny that I forgot to get him a card. Could have knocked me over with a feather, but he told me he had gotten me one. That day he went to get diesel at the Fry's grocery and got a card at the same time. Most unusual for him to remember without some prompting from me. I usually buy cards ahead of time before we leave home, so looked at my stash. I saw one with a red heart, read it, signed it and gave it to him the next day. Was proud of myself for having one til he told me it was a CHRISTMAS CARD. Felt pretty stupid, but certainly gave us a good laugh. Chalking it up to SENIORITIS!

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