Thursday, February 9, 2012

Geo Caching

February 7, 2012

As you know, I got into geo caching at Parker, AZ.  When we got to Huachuca City, AZ, we decided to venture out on our own.  We went on 4 searches and found  none, nothing, nada. Kind of depressing. First time on our own was a bust.  On Feb. 5th,  2 ladies that we had met at Parker came into the park. They are avid geo cachers so we all went hunting together on Tues. We searched for 9 and found 8. I was so excited. I even found the smallest micro cache we had ever seen. It was a large nail, hollowed out in the center with the paper to sign.  We had about given up and I found it nailed to a post. YAHOO! The nice thing about geo caching ( I think), is that it takes you to places you have never seen before.

I did one stupid thing.  On one of ther other caches, everyone else had found it but me. It was in a private yard  with permission from the owner, a fellow geo cacher. There was lots of yard art. I saw a few catcus that I thought was part of the yard art so I grabbed them to look under. WRONG! They were real cactus so I had to  pull out several stickers. OUCH! Never do that again. Right after that, I found the cache.

The nice thing about traveling is that you see  people from other parks that you had met before. We had no idea that we would all be at the same park. They have a very small trailer, only 16'. A tad tight for us, but they only travel a few months at a time, go home for a bit, then start out again.  We will keep in touch and visit them at Santa Rosa, CA. , right in the middle of Napa Valley, wine country.

A few days before, we had gone to Fort Hauchuca, the home of the Buffalo Soldiers. It is still an active military base, but has a museum about the them. We had to show I.D to get in.   The Buffalo Soldiers were a unit of black soldiers from  around 1846 to after WWII.  The government didn't think African American Soldiers would do well at fighting the Indians or during any of the Wars. They all trained at Fort Huachuca. Some were the most decorated soldiers of any wars. . The Buffalo Soldiers got their name from the the white men and Indians because their hair reminded them of the buffalo. It was very interesting.

Off to Texas 

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