Thursday, February 9, 2012

Odessa, Texas

February 8, 201.

 Left Huachuca City for Texas. We got to El Paso the first day.  The campground is kind of unsettling, but comforting. Juarez is right across the border. Of all the border towns, Juarez is the worst for crime and drug traffic.  El Paso also has a very high crime rate. Our park was  surrounded by a 5' high rock wall, with 2 rows of barb wire on top. YIKES!  Hate to think we are in a place that needs a fence AND barbed wire to be safe, but I'm glad we chose that park.  Luckily we were only there 1 night passing thru. The freeway follows the border for many miles. You can see right across to Mexico. It is the closest we  want to be while we are here.

Got to Odessa today. I have to say West Texas is the flattest land we have ever seen. Completely flat as far as you can see. Not even a little hill to mar the landscape. Missing the mountains and green trees of Washington. We are here to visit my fathers sister and her husband, my  Aunt Laura  and Uncle Emmett. Also 2 of my first cousins are coming down for the weekend from Dallas. Also I  have another cousin who lives here also.  Should be a fun reunion.

Actually when we leave here, we are heading home. Of course, we won't be there for a few more months, but we are on our way. We have traveled 8,376 miles and been gone almost 6 months already.

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