Thursday, February 23, 2012


February 17, 2012

We got to Palm Springs last Friday.  Warmth at last. On our travels, it has been alot  warmer than Seattle so far , but not the weather we had hoped for. At least we haven't had rain very often. Moatly in the high 50's to mid 60's.   Finally can put on T shirts, short sleeve tops,  flip flops,  Capri's and shorts.  It has certainly been alot cooler than when we traveled the last 2 years.  In 2009, I didn't take as many hot weather clothes as I should.  When we left, it was 25 degrees. Just couldn't wrap my brain around hot weather. Took too many cold weather  clothes. This time, the opposite. I took alot of carpi's and tank tops. Haven't really worn them much, mostly jeans and sweatshirts.   Of course, the weather has been strange all over the country.

It has been in the high 70's or low 80's since we got here. We have been going in the hot tub everyday. Best hot tub we have run into. It is from natural mineral springs.

I met some fellow geo cachers when I was in the exercise class.  They are avid cachers, they each have found over 3200. We went with them  one day and found 20. Denny and I were exhausted.  Never looked for that many in one day.  We were gone 3 hours but that is a short time for them. Sometimes they go out in the morning and don't come until dark.  We went far into the desert on some roads that were a little scary. The road was so narrow and rough that the bushes were scratching the side of the car. He had bought it just for geo caching so he  could go anywhere he wanted.  You won't find Denny on those kinds of roads. We both agree that the best vehicle for desert caching is a jeep. You can go anywhere.

Our last cache of the day, called "End of the Road". It certainly was. We drove to the very end and then Jack turned into a mountain goat and climbed up onto the rocks.

You can see how far into the desert we were.

We went to Odessa, Texas to visit some relatives on my dad's side.  After we left Odessa, we traveled 1100 miles in 4 days and 3 nights. That is alot of miles when pulling an RV. We were exhausted by the time we got to Palm Springs.

Texas and Arizona have beautiful sunsets. This was taken in our park. There was a working oil rig right outside the park.  For 100 miles around Odessa, all you see is oil rigs, some working, some not.

This is Laura, my father's sister,and her husband, Emmett. The other people make a handsome couple.

This is Denise, my 1st cousin, her husband, Richard and their 2 twin boys. They certainly don't look alike and have completely different personalities.

One last thing to say about Odessa. As I mentioned before, weather has been strange all over the country.  We were there for 6 days, two had a HIGH of 29 degrees. Very unusual for them. Very cold for us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying your posts, Myrna. Sounds like you're having lots of new adventures and meeting lots of new people. Have fun in Santa Rosa (wing country - yeah!). Safe travels home and let us know when you get here.
