Friday, January 25, 2013

Biking and Geocaching

Since we got here, we have been busy doing different activities. We bought bikes last fall. We have been out several times. We went down the canal with Larry and Joyce. Beautiful day.

What a good looking couple. I take all the pictures, so rarely is there one of both of us. Thank you Larry.
We  have  also  been  doing  quite  a  bit  of  geocaching.  Last  week,   five  of  us  went  to   Quartzsite, AZ  for  a  meet  and  greet of local cachers  and did a  little  geocaching   along  the  way.   We  found  some  very  unique  hides.  Desert  caching  is  a  little  different  because  you   are  going  o n rugged,  gravel  roads.  Denny  is  very  particular  about  what  roads  we  go  on.   A lot  of  people  have  jeeps  for  this,  but  we  don't.   I'm  glad  we  weren't  driving  on  this  trip.  The  car  we  were  in  had  alot  of  scratches  along  the  sides.   I'm  sure  her  husband  was  not  happy  when  she  got  home.
This  geocache  hide  was  very  unique.  You  can  see  how  small  it  is.   We  were  about  to  give  up  when  Denny  saw  it.   I  noticed  the  screws,  but  Denny  saw  that  one  was  slightly  different. That  is  the  key,  look  for something  that   looks  different  or  out  of  place.  Denny isn't in  to geocaching  as   much  as  I  am, but  he  is  very  good  at  finding  them  once  we get  to  the  location.


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