Friday, January 25, 2013


My  parents  celebrated  their  70th  wedding  anniversary  January 23rd.   My  dad  is  94  and  my  Mom  will  be  91  next  week.   I  look  at  them  and  see  an  amazing  couple.   They still hold hands  and  kiss.   I  had  an  experience  last  fall   with  them  that  showed  me  what  real,  lasting  love   really   is.  Mom  had  been  in  the  hospital  for  3  days.  My  Aunt  Laverne  and  I  were   bringing  her  home.  As we got to the  their front  door,  it  started  opening  ever  so  slowly,  inch  by  inch.   Dad  had  decided  to  meet  us  downstairs  and  was  trying  to  open  the  door.   He  is  in  a  power chair  and   with   his  frozen  shoulders,  it  is  very  hard  to  open  the  door by  himself,  but   he   was  determined  to  meet  us.   I opened  the  door and  he  sat  in  his  power chair in the  opening  of  the  kitchen.  As  I  wheeled   Mom  in,   they reached out with their arms and touched  fingers. My  Dad  had  the  biggest  grin on  his  face  that  I  had  ever  seen.  They  both showed  such  love  and  devotion.   It  brought  tears  to  my  eyes.   I thought  it was the  sweetest  and  most  touching  thing I   had  ever  seen.   
My brother and I are very lucky that we had the childhood of Ozzie and Harriet days.  They taught us values that stay with us today.    I think we had the best parents in the world and I love them dearly. They are the center of our family.
This picture was taken at Christms, 2012.

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