Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Follies and Marilyn

March 14, 2013

Last  Thursday  we went  on  our  annual  visit  to  the  Palm  Springs  Follies.  It  is  expensive,  $100  per  person,  but  we  think  it  is  worth  it.   This  is  our  3rd  time.   The  men  and  women  are  between  54  and  83.  It  is  amazing  to  see  them  at  their  age,  do  all  the  kicks,  dancing   and  wearing  the  fancy  costumes,  especially  the  ladies.   Of  course,  they  were  professional  dancers  when  they  were  younger.   We  met  another  couple  there  that  we  had  met  last  year.   We  first  met  them  last  year  in  Utah  and  then  again  in  Palm  Springs.  We  have  been  doing  quite  a   few  things  together  this  year.   After  the  follies  we  went  out  to  dinner.

  They  always  have  guest  artists  in  the  show.   This  year,  the  singer  was  from  the  60's,  Leslie  Gore.  Her biggest hit  was   It's  My  Party  (and  I'll  Cry  if  I  want  to).   I'm  sure  all  the  people  who  read  this  that  are  our  age  will  certainly  remember  her.  She was 16 when that came out and she is 66 now.

They  also  had  a  hula  hoop  master.   He  was  also  amazing.   He  was  a  champion  at  13  years  of  age  and   is  now  probably  in  his  50's.   When I was  young,  I   used   to   be   pretty   good   at   the   hula   hoop.   I  tried  it  again  last  year  with  Elissa,  our  granddaughter.   What  a  joke,  I  could  barely  keep  it  up  for  2  minutes.   This  guy  started  with  one  and  by  the  end,  he  had  20  going  at  one  time.  They  were  around  his  head,  neck,  arms  and  legs.   Everyone  in  the  show  made  me  fee l really  OLD.
The  Follies  are at  the  old  Plaza  Theatre.   It  was  built  in  the  20's  and  this  was  the place  to  be  in  the  hey  day  of  Palm  Springs,  back  in  the  40's,  50's  and  60's.   It  was  set  to  be  torn  down  but  it  was  bought  and  remodeled  to  what  it  used  to  be  and  now  the  Follies  are  in  their   22nd   year.
After  the  Follies,  we  all  had  to  go  see  Marilyn.  There  is a huge statue  of  her  in  the  iconic  pose of  her  standing  over  the  heating  grate  with  her  dress flying high in the air.   It  is  just  visiting.  It  goes  all  over  the  United  States.  Can't  imagine  how  they  they transport  it  from  place  to  place.   It  must  come  apart,  but  we  didn't  see  any  seams.   It  is  perfect  for   here   because  she  had  a  house   and spent alot  of  time  here.
I  couldn't  take  this  from  the  front  because  of  the  sun.   Notice  the  line  of  trees  in  back.  We found  a  geocache  there.

Fred and Linda took a picture of us. We don't have very many of us because I'm usually the one taking the pictures


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