Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Genoa Cowboy Poetry and Music Festival

May 3rd thru the 5th

Our  friends  from  Lake  Tahoe   go to this festival every year,  so  we decided  to  join  them.  It is Old Time Cowboy Music, not country music, like you hear today. It isn't my type of music, but Denny grew up with it.   It was  more  interesting than  I thought.  Genoa started out as a trading post for pioneers  on the Emigrant Trail.  It is the oldest town in Nevada. I love history so that part was interesting to me. I had never heard Cowboy Poetry,  but  it  was very good.   There  were  a lot of  REAL cowboys there, not just dressing the part.  Of course, we also did some caching. We don't do sightseeing without caching along the way.
There were a lot of street musicians. The man on the right was playing spoons.
There were a lot of people dressing in the era. Can you imagine wearing all those clothes on hot days.

There was a civil war reenactment. Amazing to see how life was back then

Imagine living like this!

I thought this was so cute. I don't think kids play tug of war anymore. I remember playing it as a child. This was part of the muzzle loaders reenactment.
Besides the civil war reenactment, there was also the muzzle loaders, showing how life was in the 1840's and 50's.

This is an original building in Genoa.
They used to call bars "thirst parlors".  No mincing of words then, exactly what it is.

This is an original building

We were looking for a geocache in this pine tree. I have never seen blooms like this
All of the pine cones turn into the above lavender blooms. Anybody know what kind this is?  Never did find the cache

This is  the historic Pink House. When it was built, pink was the popular color of 1855.  Good looking couple in front, but they don't look like cowboys

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