Monday, May 13, 2013


This will be my last posting until next December.  My life at home isn't that exciting to post a blog, only when we are traveling.
We traveled 8507 miles and spent $2975.00 in diesel fuel. We didn't go to as many places as usual because of the high cost of diesel.  The most we paid was $4.19 per  gal, the least, 3.42 in NV. Our average was around $4.00 per gallon. We stayed in place a lot more than usual. The furthest south we went was Phoenix. We did take a fast side trip driving the truck only to Texas to attend the funeral of an uncle. We drove 2000 miles on that trip, so our total was really only 6507 miles.
We went to a few areas  that we had never been before, Yosemite National Park, Iselton, CA, Lake Tahoe and Genoa, Nevada. If you have never been to Yosemite or Lake Tahoe, try and take a vacation there. They are both very beautiful.   It is always fun to see new places.  That's what traveling is all about.
We belong to a lot of travel clubs so our nightly rate isn't very much. Most of the time our nightly rate (in order)  was -0-10-4-16-0-0. For 5 months we spent $1168.  The last 10 days we were in public places that weren't in our camping organizations, so our nightly rates were high, $37 and $33 per night. For those 10 days we spent $447.00.  Quite a difference when you belong to organizations.
We had a lot of fun meeting new and old friends, exploring,  relaxing and enjoying the sun.
Hope you enjoyed the blog as much as I liked posting our travels for our family and friends to see.
Until next year...........

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