Tuesday, March 24, 2015


March 20th

We also went to General Patton's Museum at the Desert Training Center. Some people say General Patton was the greatest General  that we have ever had but also one of  the most  controversial .  He didn't think any soldier should fight in Europe without training in the desert. He trained all his troops here. It  was interesting, even for me.

The West Coast Vietnam Wall and  the alter of Hero's. It has names of soldiers from all of the wars

The Sherman tank of WWII

Another tank used during the war

This type of tank was used at Normandy beach

Soviet tank used for fire fighting and riot control. Can't imagine this tank going on the streets of a city trying to control the people

We also visited the Cabot's Pueblo Museum in Desert Hot Springs.  It was built by Cabot Yerxa between 1941 and 1950 and was his home until 1955.  He only used materials he picked up in the desert. He walked for miles collecting anything he thought he could use. Desert Hot Springs has natural hot mineral springs. He dug a hole close to his house for hot water. Before that he had to travel several miles to get water.  It is quite the house, but can't quite imagine living there.  It is quite the mish mash of rooms, he just built what suited him as he went along. 

On the property is a wooden carving, part of the Trail of Whispering Giants. it was carved in 1978 by Peter Toth.  He is from Hungary and has built a statue in every state, two in Canada and one in his own country. It  is 43 feet tall. and  made from a 750 year old, 45' tall redwood log. The face is 22' high and weighs 20 tons. The feather is 15'  tall, 4'wide and 1.5 ' thick.  The pedestal (barely visible) , is 5' tall and made from 2000 pounds of  steel and 33 yards of cement.  it extends 4' into the  ground.  I know this sounds like a brochure, but I thought it was interesting.


March 24th

It has been unusually hot  for this time of year.  We have temptures in the 90's for several days now.  Thank heavens for the pool and  air conditioning.  By Saturday, it is suppose to be 100. I hope they are wrong about that.   The usual  temps this time of year are low to mid 80's.  I would love it to be in the mid 80's. Amazing to think that  would feel cool to us.  I would rather have it this way though  than all the weather that has been happening  in the mid west, east coast and down south.  

We have been busy seeing the sights and geocaching.  It is like the rain in the Northwest. If you let the rain stop you, you would never do anything. Same with the heat. Can't let that stop you. We have been desert caching in a 4x4 jeep  when it is in the high 90's.  Just have to plan and take lots of  water.

This is the orange jeep that takes us into the desert. It is higher than most Rubicon jeeps. he had it raised plus it has 37" tires.  Being short, I  had quite a time getting in.  They had a stool I could use, but I said that was for wimps.  I'd d grab the handle at the top, another hand on the head rest of the front  passenger and haul myself up. Sometimes it took me twice, but  I got in.  We have been with them 3 times in the desert, getting about 25 caches each time.  That is 50 times getting in and out each time. it was certainly my exercise for the day, plus all the walking we did.

Typical of where we went

This is Kim, my new geobuddy, owner of the orange jeep.  As you can see, we climbed up rocks and boulders.  The picture above was taken from here.  Can't imagine wearing shorts like she does. When I  first started geocaching, I wore shorts but always got cuts and scratches. 

The desert in bloom

This is the Jumping Chola Cactus.  It doesn't really jump on you, but brush up against it and it attaches to you. See the thorns.  If you don't have long pants on, they are very hard to get out.  There is a barb on the end that digs into your skin.   i know of people that have had to use pliers to get them out. very painful. The reason you are getting a cactus lesson, is that Denny brushed up against one. Luckily he had long jeans on.  Kim had to just use a  twig to get  them off. He had about 10 attached to his jeans. he accidentally tried to brush them off with his hand, so they "jumped" over onto his hands.  he was a lucky guy.  Kim would have been in trouble because she had shorts on.  We have learned to wear long pants on no matter how hot it is.

Love 4x4 jeep  desert geocaching,  


March 15th

Besides seeing all the beautiful desert flowers,  we also went to Borrego Springs to see the metal sculptures. They vary from a few feet  to 20 feet tall.  Amazing to see in the middle of the desert.  They are based on  the fossils  found in the area.  They are built  by Richardo Breceda in Temecula, California. He dismantles them and puts them back together in the desert.   Of course  an extra bonus is that there are several geocaches in them.  We had seen them before but our friends, Linda and Fred Marti  that went with us, never had.  They are muggles (people that don't geocache), but they really have fun looking for them. 

Our friends, Linda and Fred. We originally met them in Utah several years ago.  They are RV full timers, but also have a house in Palm Springs.  

There was a cache here but we had found it a few years ago. You can see how tall this one is compared to Denny

Breceda also added human sculptures a few years ago.  


\ The serpents head rising out of the water (desert)

 You can see how long this serpent is. The head is in the far left of the picture. The tail is in the foreground

Such detail in each one

We found a nano cache in these grapevines. Notice it in Denny's hand.  Linda actually found this one.

View of the vineyard and workers.  The vine on the right is where the cache was

This jeep looks like it got stuck on the rocks and couldn't get off

There are 26 sculptures in all.  Great day, good friends

Sunday, March 15, 2015


March 13th

Again, being crazy, we went into the desert when it was 90 degrees.  It didn't seem too bad, we drank alot of water.   Borrego Springs is about a 2 hour drive southwest of Palm Springs.  The main reason we went was to see the beautiful  desert wildflowers in bloom.   Beautiful and unusual to see  flowers in the middle of the desert, only happens in  March and April

Unfortunately this caterpillar of the desert moth is quickly eating everything in sight. We saw them everywhere. They are huge.  The eagles fly down and eat the caterpillars but that hasn't happened yet. 


March 11th

We have been in Palm Springs a month, but, right now they are having unusually high temperatures. It will be in the mid 90's for several days. Yesterday was 95! WHEW! Usual temps this time of year are mid  70's. 

Of course, what do crazy people do in the heat?  Go into the desert!  That's us.

The first day  I went, Denny stayed home. I went geocaching  with some fellow cachers who have a 4 wheel jeep to do some offload caching. Had a great time.  Had never done it before.   Climbed boulders stacked 20 feet plus high. 

My new geocaching friends, Kim and Terry. Kim has the bright orange jeep we went in.  

Examples of unique containers.  Shows that people have put some thought into it instead of the standard  containers, especially micros ( smaller than a fingernail)

Great container

Never have seen beer keg before. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015


FEB 15th to the 20th, 2015

Darin, our son,  Heather, our daughter-in-law  and 2 grandkids, Elissa (10) and Zachary (8) came to visit us in  Palm Springs for their school's winter break.   They usually go to Phoenix but decided to come here.  They had never been to Palm Springs.  We were also able to celebrate Zachary's 8th birthday. with him.   That was a real treat for us.  We are usually on the road on his birthday.   It was unusually hot for this time of year, in the high 80's the whole time they were here. We enjoyed lots of pool time, but also took them a few places.  We all had such a good time.  

Went to Village Fest,  a festival held every Thursday night in old Palm Springs. 

Lots of unusal things at Village fest. Elephant made out of golf clubs

The boys relaxing after spending the day at the pool 

Elissa and Zachary in the pool

Darin with Elissa and Zachary having fun in the pool

Elissa and Zachary at  The Living Desert, a great zoo. Everyone had lots of fun, but it was a hot day. 

Grandpa Frink and Elissa looking at an exhibit


One day the boys and Elissa went to the Air Museum while Heather and I went shopping at El Paseo, Palm Springs equivalent to Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles.  While at the museum, Darin bought Denny this 50 caliber bullet bottle can opener. Quite unusal.

 We picked them up at the airport.  President Obama had come the day before.  Had a hard time getting to the airport because of road closures.  Never been so close to Air Force One

They brought my Christmas present with them.  Heather had the first 4 years of my blog put into a book.  It was the best present ever.