Tuesday, March 24, 2015


March 24th

It has been unusually hot  for this time of year.  We have temptures in the 90's for several days now.  Thank heavens for the pool and  air conditioning.  By Saturday, it is suppose to be 100. I hope they are wrong about that.   The usual  temps this time of year are low to mid 80's.  I would love it to be in the mid 80's. Amazing to think that  would feel cool to us.  I would rather have it this way though  than all the weather that has been happening  in the mid west, east coast and down south.  

We have been busy seeing the sights and geocaching.  It is like the rain in the Northwest. If you let the rain stop you, you would never do anything. Same with the heat. Can't let that stop you. We have been desert caching in a 4x4 jeep  when it is in the high 90's.  Just have to plan and take lots of  water.

This is the orange jeep that takes us into the desert. It is higher than most Rubicon jeeps. he had it raised plus it has 37" tires.  Being short, I  had quite a time getting in.  They had a stool I could use, but I said that was for wimps.  I'd d grab the handle at the top, another hand on the head rest of the front  passenger and haul myself up. Sometimes it took me twice, but  I got in.  We have been with them 3 times in the desert, getting about 25 caches each time.  That is 50 times getting in and out each time. it was certainly my exercise for the day, plus all the walking we did.

Typical of where we went

This is Kim, my new geobuddy, owner of the orange jeep.  As you can see, we climbed up rocks and boulders.  The picture above was taken from here.  Can't imagine wearing shorts like she does. When I  first started geocaching, I wore shorts but always got cuts and scratches. 

The desert in bloom

This is the Jumping Chola Cactus.  It doesn't really jump on you, but brush up against it and it attaches to you. See the thorns.  If you don't have long pants on, they are very hard to get out.  There is a barb on the end that digs into your skin.   i know of people that have had to use pliers to get them out. very painful. The reason you are getting a cactus lesson, is that Denny brushed up against one. Luckily he had long jeans on.  Kim had to just use a  twig to get  them off. He had about 10 attached to his jeans. he accidentally tried to brush them off with his hand, so they "jumped" over onto his hands.  he was a lucky guy.  Kim would have been in trouble because she had shorts on.  We have learned to wear long pants on no matter how hot it is.

Love 4x4 jeep  desert geocaching,  

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