Sunday, March 15, 2015


March 11th

We have been in Palm Springs a month, but, right now they are having unusually high temperatures. It will be in the mid 90's for several days. Yesterday was 95! WHEW! Usual temps this time of year are mid  70's. 

Of course, what do crazy people do in the heat?  Go into the desert!  That's us.

The first day  I went, Denny stayed home. I went geocaching  with some fellow cachers who have a 4 wheel jeep to do some offload caching. Had a great time.  Had never done it before.   Climbed boulders stacked 20 feet plus high. 

My new geocaching friends, Kim and Terry. Kim has the bright orange jeep we went in.  

Examples of unique containers.  Shows that people have put some thought into it instead of the standard  containers, especially micros ( smaller than a fingernail)

Great container

Never have seen beer keg before. 

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