Tuesday, March 24, 2015


March 15th

Besides seeing all the beautiful desert flowers,  we also went to Borrego Springs to see the metal sculptures. They vary from a few feet  to 20 feet tall.  Amazing to see in the middle of the desert.  They are based on  the fossils  found in the area.  They are built  by Richardo Breceda in Temecula, California. He dismantles them and puts them back together in the desert.   Of course  an extra bonus is that there are several geocaches in them.  We had seen them before but our friends, Linda and Fred Marti  that went with us, never had.  They are muggles (people that don't geocache), but they really have fun looking for them. 

Our friends, Linda and Fred. We originally met them in Utah several years ago.  They are RV full timers, but also have a house in Palm Springs.  

There was a cache here but we had found it a few years ago. You can see how tall this one is compared to Denny

Breceda also added human sculptures a few years ago.  


\ The serpents head rising out of the water (desert)

 You can see how long this serpent is. The head is in the far left of the picture. The tail is in the foreground

Such detail in each one

We found a nano cache in these grapevines. Notice it in Denny's hand.  Linda actually found this one.

View of the vineyard and workers.  The vine on the right is where the cache was

This jeep looks like it got stuck on the rocks and couldn't get off

There are 26 sculptures in all.  Great day, good friends

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