Tuesday, December 20, 2011


In an earlier post, I told you that I walk with Larry at 7 AM for a 2 1/2 mile walk.  He went to Phoenix for a few days to see his grandson.  Who, oh, who was I going to walk with?  As I have gotten older, my will power has disappeared.  I knew, tho, that if I didn't walk, I would never hear the end of it from Larry. THAT was my incentive. I have walked 2 days now. I'm so proud of myself. The only concession I do is wait until daylight.  When we leave,  it is still dark.  I really didn't want to be walking in the dark, so I have been starting about the time we usually get back.  It has taken every bit of will power I have to get out the door in the morning. I really enjoy it after I start walking, but getting out the door is another matter. This morning, I saw a bobcat. YIKES!  I had heard that there is one in the hill right beside the park, but hadn't seen it yet.  It came off the hill, looked around and went back up. 

View from back of casino
Yesterday we went saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downy, JR. It is very good, but very violent. We didn't realize there was a movie theatre here until we were talking to some people.  There is one at the Casino. Parker is in the Colorado River Indian Reservation. We don't gamble so we had never been there. Before the movie, we wandered around the casino.  Certainly alot of people there. It is so smokey  that, even if I gambled, I can't imagine spending much time in there.

These are a few views from the park. We are located on the Colorado River.

This was taken on our morning walk. It has been very foggy in the mornings. Of the group of 3 RV's in the foreground, ours is on the right.  Larry and Joyce are on the left.

The weather is warming up. It has been in the low to mid 60's. Christmas Day is suppose to be 66 degrees, the next day, 69. Can't wait. Might even be able to put on carpi's and flip flops. Yeah!

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