Saturday, December 3, 2011


Today there was a Christmas Parade in town. I thought it would be fun to see a small town parade. Yesterday and last night it  rained constantly. Still raining this morning, so we decided not to go. By the time I got done exercising, the sun was coming out and the clouds were going away, so off we went. BAD DECISION. After it started,  the sky was looking very, very dark and getting chilly. All of the sudden, the wind started and the leaves were going around in a circle. It was so cold we finally left. Never did get to see Santa!  We were going to get diesel and go back to Old Cottonwood for a little shopping and olive oil tasting. Before we finished getting diesel, it started SNOWING. It was coming down so hard you could hardly see. We decided it wasn't a good day for touristing, so back to the RV we went. When we started, it was 44 degrees, but quickly went down to 37. BURRRRR.  It was only raining back at the campground. It has rained ever since we got back with a little hail thrown in. Now, it is SNOWING AGAIN. We feel like we are in Washington. I bet it hasn't snowed in the lowlands, so we have worse weather than you. We travel in the winter to get out of weather like this. We are now down to 34 degrees!

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