Friday, December 23, 2011

Southern Cross Mine

We have been very busy doing lots of different things. Denny's  cousin, Larry has been here before, so he knows lots of people.

Last Thursday, Dec. 15th, we went on a hike with 9 people.  Traveled about 15 miles and then turned off  onto a dirt road. It is, by far, the worst road we have ever been on. Larry was driving. It was only 4 1/2 miles, but took us about an hour. Deep, deep ruts and hilly.  After fianlly getting there, we hiked about a mile and saw 3 mines.

You can see how far we hiked from the cars. This wasn't even to our destination. WHEW!

You can walk from the front of the cave all the way thru

This was the front of the main cave. The light is from my flash, but it is really pitch black inside. I walked all the way in. A tad scary, couldn't see where I was going

Sky was beautiful. After a while, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. That's how it has been here most of the time.

Overview of the area.

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