Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year-- New Adventures


 This past year has had alot of ups and downs for all. I  wish good health and happiness to everyone.   I know a few people who are out of work. I hope all find new jobs this year that they love.

Our New Adventure

Have any of you heard of Geo-Caching?  I had heard about it,  but didn't really know what it was besides a kind of treasure hunt, using GPS. They held a class here and I thought it sounded like fun. We went on a group Geo-cache to see how we liked it before buying a hand held GPS.  I was hoping you could use the GPS in your car, but you can't. It was fun. We went on 3 hunts. The first was easy to find, the 2nd, a bit harder, and the 3rd, we never did find. That happens sometimes. The caches are hidden so you have to hunt around. There were 10 of us and we still couldn't find it. Alot of people just use their smart phone, but we don't have one. They have GPS especially made for Geo-caching. You join the website for free and can find all the Geo-caches in your area. There are thousands around Parker alone. There are over a million world wide.  You get to see alot of country that you probably would never have seen before. People say that it can also be  a fun family sport. Grandkids love it. Hope Elissa and Zachary will. Think it would be a fun thing to do with them.

Larry, our cousin finding the first one. It was the largest the pros's had ever seen. It is the large tube canister under the trees

Sherri, another novice Geo-cacher finding the 2nd one. See how much smaller this container is. They range from small Tupperware to the large one in the picture above. It was hidden in the tire.

Paul, the man in front holding the box, and his wife, Michelle, 2nd from the right are the leaders of the group. They have been on many Geo-caches. The rest are all first timers. Denny is in the back of the pack. Cousin Larry is to the right of him and Joyce, his wife, is to the left.

This is where the 3rd one was that we never did find.  We were there for at least 30 minutes. We talked later to a guy who had found it. We all plan to go back and see if we can find it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand. Someone hides things all around the world and people find it over and over again?? The kids always love adventures!
