Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Isn't this the cutest couple, of course I'm prejudice

My folks have 2 big celebrations going on this week.

Their 69th wedding anniversary was January 23rd.  Amazing, that doesn't happen very often. The wonderful thing about it is that they still hold hands, hug and kiss. They have had a wonderful, exciting life together. Plus, they raised 2 GREAT kids. Mom and Dad were the best parents that anyone would wish for.  No matter what happened, they were very supportive of me. They showed us by example on how to live, love and be the best we could be.

On February 1st, my Mom is 90 years old.  She doesn't look or act like it. She is an amazing woman. When I grow up, if I am half the woman she is, I'd be happy.  She was always there for me, thru bad and good.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and HAPPY BIRTHDAY  to  two of our most favorite people in the world.

We love and miss you both

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