Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year-New Challenges

I have been trying to exercise more. In Utah, I took a class, but that only lasted 2 weeks.  I have been doing some type now for 10 weeks straight. In Cottonwood, I attended a class 3 x's a week. In Camp Verde, 6 x's per week. Here, I have been walking with Larry 6 days a week. They also have a yoga class. I have never done yoga, but thought I'd give it a try. When I first started, we did it to a DVD.  I wasn't too enthused. About a week after I started, we got an instructor. What a difference. Lulu moved into the space next to us. She has been doing yoga for almost 50 years and has been an instructor for 30. I have discovered I'm not nearly as limber and agile as I thought I was. Not even close. I do enjoy it. I'm getting better, but have along way to go.  Older people get less agile as we get older.  I know alot of you are nodding your heads and saying "oh, yeah".  I hope to continue it when I leave.  Lulu is looking around for a beginner DVD for me. The ones we were watching before she came were  more advanced moves. No wonder I wasn't enjoying it.

I have also been taking a digital photography class. I have been enjoying that also. We have an assignment of certain types  of  pictures every week. Paul, the instructor says my pictures are very good for a simple point and shoot,  but I want to improve.

We are going to leave this coming Thursday and I will really miss my new classes. Always want to learn new things, keeps us young.

Speaking of new things, in the last blog, I talked about Geo-caching. I made the plunge and commitment and bought a hand held GPS for Geo-caching.  I wanted to buy it now so that Paul could help me get set up. I am not very teckie minded when it comes to anything electrical. When I have trouble with the computer, I send Darin or Heather  an SOS-HELP.  He's not here and has never done this. Paul has been Geo caching for years.  Paul came over yesterday and helped me. Planning on going on some Geo caching tomorrow with Bob and Lou.  They only started a few weeks ago, but are pros now.

This is Larry, Denny's first cousin, and his wife Joyce. We took a walk to the park next door. They showed us a super secret way.

Took this on my walk in the morning with Larry. It was very foggy several mornings in a row. Liked it because it showed the foreground sharp against the fog in the background. It was one of my assignments

Another fog picture taken in the morning at the end of our walk.

Taken for the class. Beautiful, loved the colors of the water against the sunset

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