Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bye, Bye Big River--Hello Casa Grande

Yesterday we left Big River to travel to Casa Grande, AZ. I had alot of misgivings about it. We have never stayed in one place so long, but I see the advantages to it. We  got involved in  new adventures and met  alot of  new people that became our  friends. I was getting into yoga, photography and geocaching.  We exchanged email addresses with 3 couples. All of these people winter there year after year, so we will probably see them next year. Our cousins plan to go back (it's their 3rd year), so I think we will to spend the holidays with them.

I had a new friend ask me where we were going. I told her Casa Grande. She asked who we were going to see and I told her no one. She said " why are you going there, all your friends are here'".  I certainly felt that as we were leaving. People came out to say good bye as we were driving away.

Almost stayed another week because they were going on a big geocaching search today.  I would have liked to do it  more with other people  before we start out on our own. We went once with the pros and learned the basics.  Now we are on our own. WISH US LUCK!

Eventho I thoroughly enjoyed our stay and left with a lot of misgivings, it was also fun and interesting  to be traveling to another destination. We usually only stay 2-3 weeks in one place. On to new adventures and places.

Even tho we have been gone over 4 months, we have been going to new areas that we hadn't been to before. So far, there are only 2 campgrounds that we have been to. On our traverls in the next few months, we will be going to some of the same areas that we did in 2009,  but different campgrounds. Can't go to the same places and same campgrounds all the time, have to shake it up!

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