Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hiking and Hot Tubs

We have been hearing all about the snow you all are having. I won't complain about how cold it is here again. It has been an average of mid 60's here.  I'll tell you what we have been doing if you promise not to throw something at the screen and say nasty things about us.

Yesterday I went on an organized hike to the Casa Grande Mountains. I went alone since  Denny can't walk much distance because of his hips. We hiked about 3 plus miles, but it certainly seemed longer because of the rough terrain. It took us 2 hours. It was a BEAUTIFUL day.

After I got back, Denny and I went into the hot tub for a soak. It felt SO NICE. Not a cloud in the sky.

When we first got here it was cooler than Parker, but now it is beautiful. I am in a short sleeve T shirt, Capri's and flip flops.   Tomorrow we move to Tucson. It is suppose to be 71 degrees.

This is an overview on our hike

THE MIGHTY HIKER. Hard to tell, but that is me.  Notice that I have a walking stick. One of the hikers had made this and gave it to me to use. It was a bit too long, so along the trail he cut it down to my size.

Our group. The man on the right is the one who made the walking stick. Some more people started with us, but veered off onto an easier trail.

Pretty desolate area

I have been taking an exercising class in the mornings. To make sure I do it, I get in my exercise clothes as soon as I get up. Otherwise, if I sit around in my sweats, I would be very tempted not to go. We exercise to an equivalent of 3 miles.

On to Tucson

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