Wednesday, April 24, 2013


We came to the Delta area of Iselton, CA. on April 18th.  It is a little northwest of Stockton.  It is a maze of tributaries of the San Joaquin River.  There has been alot of flooding in past years because the land  has a lower elevation than the river.  The roads are just berms built up to protect the land.  As you drive down a road, the river is lower on one side. The land on the opposite side is lower than the river by quite a bit. Our park has an elevation of 32'.  The road is at 92' and the river is 86'.  Doesn't take much for flooding.  We have spent the last week geocaching, wine tasting  and sightseeing. We have never been to this area.
These are pictures trying to show you the differences of the road, river and campground.
In the first one, I am standing on the road looking down to the water. 92' elevation.
I'm standing in the campground looking up to the road.

This one I'm on the road looking down into the campground. Can't really tell in the picture, but this is quite a steep hill going out of the campground.

This view is from the restaurant (which doesn't open until May 1st, darn) down the river
Looking at the Delta

These are typical of the narrow roads along the Delta

There are more wineries in this area and Lodi than in Napa.  We went to 5 out of 88. One did a very informative thing. They listed all the grapes and how they were grown. They are all different. From the road, grapes look like grapes, all the same, but they aren't. Up close you can see the differences of how they are grown

We took a long scenic drive along the Delta. Closest town to us is Iselton. Founded in the mid 1800's with a population of 2000 people
The next town is Locke, the oldest Chinese town in CA. Founded in the erly 1800's, at one time, was exclusively Chinese. Now only 12 of the 200 people here are Chinese.

Our drive took us along a lot of very fertile farmland and in the middle of nowhere, a huge mansion. It was built in 1904. We couldn't go inside becuase it was closed for a wedding. Beautiful  grounds for the big day.
After looking back at this, it sounds like a history and geography lesson I'm giving you. Sorry about that. I just like  people to see the areas we have been at.
Onto Lake Tahoe tomorrow

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