Monday, December 11, 2017


DEC 11, 2017

Some people have been wondering if the fires have affected us. Happy to say, no. Most of the fires are north/northwest of L.A. and in L.A. along the coast. We are in Menifee, which is about 75 miles southeast.  Last Wed. we went to Hemet,  a small town northeast of here. It started as a beautiful day, a little windy,  but not bad. We were out geocaching. In the afternoon, the winds came up suddenly and we had to force the car door open. Couldn't even hold your head up. We got out of there, decided that was enough and headed home. I  had sand in my ears and I could even taste it in my mouth.  It was fine on the way home, but that evening and all the next day into the night, the Santa Ana winds were gale force. The RV was a rocking' and a rollin'.  There were branches and trees down all over the park.

Thursday, the Liberty🔥🔥 fire started  in Murrieta. YIKES, a little close, only 5 miles south of us. Lucky for us, the wind was going south to Temecula, not north. If it had turned, we would have had to probably evacuate to Palm Springs a little earlier than usual.  The Liberty Fire was the smallest of them all, only 300 acres compared to others at 250,000 acres.  It is now fully contained. The  other 5 are not. Can't imagine  how it is for all those people that have lost their homes. 

We had planned on going to Temecula on Friday for wine tasting, so I decided to call to see if they were open and how the smoke was.  Blue skies and no smoke, so off we went. It was hard to believe when we got to the wine country, that there  was even a fire close by🍷

It is now back to beautiful weather with no wind.  Not to make you jealous, but,  it has been almost 80 for the last few days, with lows in the 40's.  I can't tell a lie, YES, I told you about the weather to make you all jealous!! HA. Wish you were all here to enjoy it.

Amazing that on the west coast,  it is all  about fires, the south and east coast, unexpected  snow. 

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