Sunday, December 3, 2017


November 25, 2017

Out first go to stop on our travels is always Wilderness Lakes at Menifee, California. We like it because there are canals going thru the park. When you back into a spot. most of the time you are on the water. Unfortunately, this is the first time we have been here when we couldn't get a water spot. This year is the busiest I have ever seen here, luckily, we at least got the last 50 amp site. We do  have a view of the water at least. Our favorite spot became vacant yesterday. I hinted to Denny about moving over, but he said NO! I know it is alot of work to move into another spot but I was HOPING!!

Last Nov/Dec when we were here, it was so cold we wore our heavy coats and long pants.  When we first got here, it was T shirts, capri's and flip flops. Weather turned on us and now we are back to sweatshirts. We have a propane fire pit and we used it everyday last year.  Finally put it out again this year.  You never know from year to year about the weather.  Tomorrow is suppose to be 75, Sat 80. Can't wait.

The first 2 pictures are from this year,  the rest from last year, but I wanted to show you the canals and all the water fowl walking around the park.

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