Sunday, December 3, 2017


DEC 3 2017

We left on Nov 20th to start our new snowbird adventure down south. For the first time, we started  in the rain. We have been doing this for several years and this is the first time that happened. It rained all the way to Redding, CA, but hasn't rained since. It wasn't raining too much in the Siskiyous Mountains.  Rain is doable, snow is NOT.  That is always the biggest hurdle for RV'ers when they start out "can we get thru the Siskiyous without snow". It is the highest mountain pass on I-5. We have had only one year that it was snowing on the Siskious. We went around on 101, but will never do that again. Very curvy, steep and pouring rain. If it snows again, we will just wait it out at a campground in Ashland, Or.

On our 2nd night, we stayed at one of our favorite parks in Bakersfield, Ca,  Orange Grove RV. The reason we like it is that it is the middle of the orange groves. When oranges are in season, you can pick as much as you want at your site. There are 2 trees on each site. I always pick a whole bag. Amazing how fresh they are compared to the ones you buy at the store. 

Not sure how often I will be posting our adventures, maybe alot, maybe not. It all depends on what we are doing and if it is interesting enough to tell you about.   Don't want to bore you too much! Since we have been doing this for several years, you always have to shake it up a little or it would get too boring. Plan to go to a few different places. So far we have gone on  2 different roads than usual. One a good way, one not. Oh well, you never know til you try.

Hope you enjoy my blog this year as much as I  will enjoy telling our friends and family what we are doing. 

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