Tuesday, April 24, 2018


April 15, 2018

One reason I like to geocache is because it can take you to places you might never of heard of or see. One of these areas is the Dublin Gulch Caves.  They are in the Village of Shoshone, California, about 28 miles from Pahrump.  These caves were made from solidified volcanic ash  from an eruption in Yellowstone park 6000 years ago.  Historians think that the cave houses were built right into the rock in the late 1870's to the early 1900's by miners in the area. Fascinating (at lest to me) to see what minors did for housing.   They did what needed to be done with whatever they had.

 Notice the metal pipes coming out the top. Not sure if those were for ventilation or  for the wood stoves

This hasn't anything to do with the caves, but wanted to show you something else we saw on our geocaching travels.  Found this is a very small town of about 150 people. Can you imagine using this??

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