Wednesday, April 11, 2018


February 28, 2018

I am a little behind on my blog because we traveled to a new city. Always lots to see and do when we go to a different area.  Now that we have been here awhile, I'll catch  you all up on what we have been doing. 

We have always stayed in Palm Springs til the end of April or 2nd week of May. Decided to shake things up a little and go somewhere we have never been.  Last year, we took a day trip to Vegas and Pahrump, NV. to check out the campgrounds. We decided Vegas campgrounds had way too tight of sites and it felt like we were camped right in the middle of a big city. NOT FOR US.  Pahrump is about 60 miles SW of Vegas.  It is a  beautiful campground, a 10-10-10 in campground lingo. That is the top rating.  It also shares the parking lot with a winery, so we couldn't go wrong since we like wine!   In the winery  there is a restaurant voted the best in Nevada.  It has the best hot tub we have ever been in. They also pick up your garbage every morning. Have only ran into one other one that has done that.  We will definitely be here again next year. 

 We got here February 28th. We plan to stay a month, then SLOWLY make our way home.  Seemed strange to leave Palm Springs so early, but we always like to go somewhere different each year.  Luckily we left Palm Springs when we did because it turned very hot a few days after we left. They have been having temps of high 90's to 101 degrees. WAY TOO HOT FOR US!!  We have been about 10-15 degrees cooler here, which is fine with us.   We are now getting hotter ourselves. Yesterday we were 90, by the time we went to bed at 11:00 pm, it had only cooled to 80.  When we got up this morning at 6:30, it was 73, by 10:00 am, it was 83. Whew!! Thank heavens for air conditioning.  

Pictures of the campground

                          Unfortunately the shadow in the right hand corner is my finger, OOPS

 Another unusual RV,  we have seen the triangle shaped RV before, but never with the extra pullout on the right. A little small for us, even for a weekend.

The nice thing about being in a new area that there are lots of caches for us to find. Geocaching takes us to a lot of places we would have never seen. In the short time we have been here, we have seen this town from one end to the other.  In our wandering, we found this house. Can't imagine why they built it,  or who would buy it. Seemed a little strange to us

You never know what you'll see in the desert. Will have to say, we never expected to see this. Went here because there was a cache in it. I was totally shocked when I rounded the corner. The cache was called Ship Ahoy, I expected something to do with a boat, but not the whole boat. Unfortunately, people have been using this area as a dumping ground. So much trash and garbage here. Saw lots of couches and chairs besides the usual.  Being out in the desert, you see alot of trash that people leave, but this was a surprise. 

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