Thursday, April 26, 2018


April 25, 2018

Wanted to show you a few pictures of things we have seen while we were geocaching or just wanted to show you  that didn't really have a story on their own for me to post.

We carry 4 chairs and our barbecue with us. We also have our bikes.  I can't imagine where people put on the stuff they carry.  Some things don't even fold up. Most places have tables, so we  don't carry one.  

I have always heard the history of building the railroad, starting at Los Angles and Salt Lake City and meeting in the middle, but never really knew where it happened. It has always been amazing that they started in 2 different places and were able to be precise enough to meet exactly at the right angles to connect.  In 1905, they certainly didn't have the technology they have today to accomplish that. This was about 10 miles south of Las Vegas. 

Flowers in the Desert.  We saw a few flowers this year, but not many. Last year, the weather was just right so that the blooms were everywhere. We saw fields of flowers as far as you could see. This year, just a flower here and there

The pictures below are from last year. Wanted to show you the difference

This was our temperature today. It is getting a tad hot. Ninety Six degrees here is easier to bear because this is a dry heat, not like in Seattle. The 91 degrees on the right is our temp inside the RV. We don't usually have the air conditioning on during the day because we re usually outside.

This Saturday, April 28th, we are leaving and SLOWLY making our way home.  We plan to be back May 8th. Too soon for me, but probably not soon enough for Denny.

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