Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Liquid from the sky???

A couple of days after we got here, there was this strange liquid coming from the sky. Couldn't figure out what it was at first. Had a aha moment. It was rain! It has been so long since we have seen it that we forgot what it looked like. For a few days it has been just like Seattle. In fact, I hear Seattle is having better weather than us. We are getting the residuals from the Southern Ca. weather. They are going to get more rain this week than they usually get all year. There are floods everywhere. Even a couple of tornado's. We got out of San Diego and Palm Springs just in time. The storm last night was so bad that I hate to imagine what it would have been like in San Diego. There was a tree that fell on an RV in a park there and did major damage. It was so rainy and windy that we couldn't even do the hot tub! Curses! Rain never has really bothered me, but I certainly don't miss it at all.

Went to Lake Havasu City yesterday and saw the London Bridge. In 1968, it was brought over from England in marked pieces. It took 3 years to rebuild it here.

Alot of RVer's have dogs, sometimes 2 or 3. You always see the owners walking them. In Palm Springs, we saw a couple of amazing sights. One, a little dog was being pushed in a baby stroller. The other one was being pulled in a little red wagon. What kind of exercise is that for the dogs?

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