Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pics from San Diego (finally)

Took me awhile, but here they are. I took so many that it was hard to choose.

Strange looking animal from Africa. It was at both the Zoo and Wild Animal Park

I guess the birds were attracted to her face. As soon as she walked into the compound, they flew to her, probably thinking she was one of them.

Sea world

Wild Animal park. They are so cute.

Our campground- 20 miles east of San Diego

In 1975, we went to Black Beach. It was the last nude beach in San Diego. After we left, it changed into a regular family beach. Maybe we scared them. This is the closest we could get to it. It was a 2 mile hike up. In 1975 we were alot younger and in alot better shape. Of course, now that we are a little older and wiser, we wouldn't have done it anyway. The body was alot different 35 years ago.

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