Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back to Normal

In one of my blogs I mentioned that we hadn't seen rain for a long time. We made up for that this week. Last Wed. evening it started raining for 24 hours straight. On Thursday afternoon, the heavens opened up like we have never even seen up in Seattle. We had never seen it as rainy and windy as it was for about 20 minutes. Turns out, there was a tornado about 30 miles south of us. I would have hated to see what it would be like if we had been closer. We lost power and water for 26 hours. After we finally got it back Friday night, we still didn't get back to the Internet until this afternoon. The power outage must have done something to the router or something. Everything is now back to normal. We have had beautiful weather since last Sat, temps in the low 60's. Finally got back on the Internet.

This is Lake Havesu. It is about 50 miles long, a beautiful lake.

Two beautiful people having fun in their retirement. We go to the hot tub every day.

This is the London Bridge at Lake Havesu. It is an authentic English bridge, bought in London, dismantled and brought over and rebuilt here. When they dismantled it, they numbered all the pieces. Took from 1968 to 1971 to rebuild it here.

This is the only replica ever built of the Queens gold carriage. It has been in use from the 1770's for every coronation. Still is in use. It is amazing to see up close. The replica is made of paper mache. It is by the London Bridge. What a cute couple enjoying their retirement!

This is a picture of our resort on the Colorado River.

This is the 1 mile beach at the resort. It is the longest beach on the Colorado River.
Also we went to the Desert Bar. We told told that it was a must see, so of course, we had to go. We were told to keep going on the road because you think you are on the wrong one, but you aren't. Once we turned off the highway, it was a 5 mile primitive twisty, bumpy, narrow road that isn't kept up by anyone. We really thought we were on the wrong road. It is so bad you can only go 5 MPH, so it takes almost 30 minutes to get there. It is a little scary when you meet a car going the opposite way. Not much room for passing. We really didn't expect very many people there because of the condition of the road. WRONG! The parking lot was almost full and it had only been open an hour. The place was packed. There was even a band. It is only open on the weekends from noon to sunset. No way would you want to be on that road in the dark. Also only open from Labor Day to Memorial Day. The summer would be way to hot. It was quite the experience, certainly a must see, but I don't think we would go again.

Tomorrow we are headed out to Yuma. More roads are calling us.

1 comment:

  1. Myrna, I think you have a great future as a writer! I enjoy living the retirement life through you and Denny. Keep those blog postings coming!!
