Monday, February 1, 2010

Greetings from Yuma

We got to Yuma last Thursday, Jan 28th. Denny has a first cousin, Larry Frink, that is also here snowbirding. He is going to stay until the end of March, but we are only staying for 2 weeks. We first went to an Rv park in east Yuma until we could find out where Larry was. It is a little different situation here. He is in a residential neighborhood. The houses are 1 story adobe or stationary RV's. They all have RV hookups that they rent out to people. We looked around the neighborhood and found a lot with 2 Rv full hookups. There is someone from Illinois in the other. It is a lot nicer than in the parks around town. In Yuma, the spaces are so close together you can't even sit outside sometimes. We are on a huge lot with lots of space. There are flower bushes and lots of birds that sing to us in the morning. The only drawback is there is no WiFi and laundry. Found a laundromat that has free WiFi, if you do your laundry. I wasn't planning on it, but I gathered up a couple of loads. First time I'm doing WiFi with my computer on my lap. A little awkward, but doable.
Probably wouldn't be staying for 2 weeks except to visit with Larry and Joyce. Not a whole lot to see around here. We forgot to bring our passports, so we can't go to Mexico.

The weather is beautiful. Most of the time it is around 70 degrees. Loving that!

Since WiFi is a little hard to get around here, I probably won't be updating until we get to Surprise, Az. That is west of Phoenix. One of my best friends is there for the winter. There are several things we want to see around the area and then on to Casa Grande.

1 comment:

  1. Great blogging! Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. I'm jealous of the weather. :-)
