Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mystery Castle

In south Phoenix, we discovered the Mystery Castle. It has a long, but fascinating history. The short version is there was a man in Seattle that was diagnosed with TB. He left his family because he thought he was going to die in 6 months. Went to Az. and built this house. He used all stone, glass, rocks and anything else he could find. He died at the age of 63. His daughter inherited the house and moved in when she was 19. She still lives in the house and she is 85 years old. In fact, she was in the living room when we took the tour.
This is an outdoor barbecue pit he built. He put in a hole looking due north. If you look thru it today, downtown Phoenix is centered in the middle. He built this many years before downtown Phoenix was there.

This is the view thru the hole.

This is the dog and cat house he built

This is an overview of the Mystery Castle. I took so many pictures that I can't put them all in. There are so many nooks and cranny's and hidden areas that he built in. Amazing that the daughter still lives there. The kitchen was probbly built around 1910 and has never been updated. She is very frail and has a live in caregiver.

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