Friday, February 12, 2010

Sand Dunes, but Where o Where are the camels

One thing that I didn't expect to see here were huge sand dunes. They are west of Yuma, in California. Yuma is right on the Az and Ca border. When I saw them, I felt like I was in the middle east. They were just like the pictures you see. So much so that I expected to see camels coming over the ridge. No camels, but lots of ATV's. Looked like a lot of fun.

Yesterday we had an anniversary. We have been on the road for 2 months. Doesn't seem like it. We are still speaking to each other and having lots of fun. A lot of people can't be together 24/7, but it hasn't bothered us at all.

We are leaving tomorrow for Apache Junction, east of Phoenix. The main reason we are going there is to see a good friend of mine that winters in Phoenix. We probably will be able to see her only once because she still isn't doing well after breaking her leg a few months ago. She doesn't have a lot of stamina and has to ice her leg a lot. She fell out of a golf cart and rolled away 25'.

We are ready to go to our next adventure. We like to travel vs staying in one place too long. A lot of people go to one spot for the winter, but that isn't us. The road calls. We wouldn't have stayed in Yuma for so long, but we are visiting Larry and Joyce. Larry is Denny's first cousin. They grew up in Nebraska together but both live in the Seattle area. They are also snowbirds, but they are staying here until the end of March. This is the most time they have spent together since childhood. Reconnecting with relatives is a good thing.

Must close and get my laundry. There is free WiFi while you do your laundry.

See you in Apache Junction.

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