Monday, February 8, 2010

Going topless and other adventures

That title probably got your attention, so I had better explain. We went to a flea market and I found these bizarre looking sandals. I couldn't resist. I had seen these in Sun Valley many years ago. I didn't buy them and regretted it ever since. I hadn't seen them again. The bottom sole is sticky. If they get dirty and lose the stickiness, just wash with soap and water and it comes back. They really do work pretty well.

We went to a car show in Yuma. Denny drove a car just like this when he moved out to Kent from Nebraska in 1956. It is a 1950 Ford Coupe.
This is a cell at the Yuma Territorial Prison. It is 9 x 12 and held 6 prisoners. You can see the 3 tier bunk bed on each side. Can you imagine how miserable that would be in 105 degree temps. No thank you.
We aren't in a park in Yuma. This is a residential neighborhood. Some lots have RV hookups that you can rent. It is so much quieter than in a park, where sometimes you are so close to your neighbor. In the park we first went to in Yuma, our slide outs were only abut a foot a part. Way to close to be comfortable. We are on the left.

We also went to a Renaissance Fair. It was a lot more fun than we thought it would be. There were jugglers, swordsman, musicians and more. We were at the magic show and the magician wanted Denny to come on stage. You all know Denny is very quiet and shy in crowds. This was certainly out of his comfort zone. He didn't want to go, but didn't have much choice. The magician tied 2 scarves together and put it in the collar of his sweatshirt. Then he did the same and put it in the top of his pants. He held out a silk scarf, said a few words and pulled on the scarves. They all came out tied together, with a bra and ladies thong underwear in between the scarves. It was hilarious. Denny even laughed out loud, which he doesn't do very often.
It has been in the mid 60's to 70 degrees. Beautiful, but I hear you guys are having the mildest and warmest winter yet. It would happen when we are gone, but I still like 70 better.

We are leaving this Saturday. We are making one stop at Gila bend to see some sights and then on to Apache Junction. It is east of Phoenix. Couldn't get any closer. We plan to be there a week then on to Casa Grande and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you guys were getting really wild on your trip with the title. LOL!
