Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gila Bend

It has been awhile since I posted so I'll do a little catch up
On the way to Apache Junction, we stopped for one night at Gila Bend. It is an Indian name so it is pronounced HeLa Bend. All G's are pronounced as H's. There were some very old writings on rocks that I wanted to see in Gila Bend. I really can't remember how to spell the name. They were done thousands of years ago .I read on the plaque how long ago, but didn't write it down. Thought I could remember, but that was a joke. My memory lasts about a minute. I love history. What I didn't expect to see were the Egret birds in the picture below. I associate these birds with water.

Amazing how time changes things. In 1880, a wagon train went thru this area. There was a 20 ft river with such a thick forest that the wagon trains couldn't get thru. Look at it now, 200 years later.

These are the carvings I went to see. Historians can only guess on what the figures mean.

My parents lived in Gila Bend before my brother was born. My dad was a pilot in the war and he flew out of the Air Force range close by. Can't imagine what people do for a living in the area if they aren't military. It is a very small desert town in the middle of nowhere.

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