Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hall of Flame

Went to the Hall of Flame Museum. It is the largest fire engine museum in the world. It was very interesting. Some of these pictures are blurry, I know not why. Sometimes my hand is a little shaky. I still wanted to show you the pictures. Amazing to see them and wonder how they fought the fires with what they had.

This is one of the fire engines that fought the Chicago Fire that burned the town down. It was started by a cow that turned over a gasoline latern.

This is from 1725, the oldest in the museum. All from this era are black, not red.

This one is from Norfolk, Nebraska, about 50 miles from where Denny grew up. We had never seen a white one.

Also had never seen a blue one. This one was pulled by horses.

Not sure if you can tell by the picture, but this is the smallest typewriter I have ever seen.
Look how small it is next to the phone. This was a typical desk in the firehouse, where the calls came to.

There were so many old and interesting fire engines from 1725 to 1960.

Tomorrow we leave for a new adventure in Casa Grande.

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