Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One of the Mysteries of Life

Today was a day of total relaxation. We are leaving tomorrow so the day before we leave, we just hang around the trailer catching up on things and getting ready to leave. Today for the first time, we relaxed in the sun and hot tub. That is where the mystery of life comes in. Somehow, my bathingsuit shrunk in the drawer. I haven't had it on for a few years, but I never thought to try it on. Big mistake. Wonder how that happened?

Anyway, the sun felt so good on the bones. That is what retirement is all about.

Remember I told you about the Salton Sea on my last blog. It is about 30 miles east of Palm Springs. Hundreds of years ago, it was a lake all the way to Palm Springs and over to Yuma. When it dried up it left salt everywhere. It is strange to see salt on the sides of the road almost to Palm Springs. Felt like we were in Utah.

Another thing we did here was so fun. Every Thursday night they close several blocks of Palm Canyon Drive from 6-10 pm. It runs thru downtown. It turns in a long street fair. It had sorts of vendors and artists selling their wares. We bought homemade bread and local coffee. Also bought some earrings, but the artist was from Oregon. They spend 8 months here selling their jewelry. I was amazed that this goes on every week. Most of the stores are also open.

Denny doesn't really go in for stuff like that so I made him a compromise that he couldn't refuse. On the way to the Follies we saw a 3D theatre playing Avatar. I wanted to see it but not neccessarily in the middle of our sightseeing. I said I'd go to Avatar if afterward we went to the street fair. It was a very good movie. Effects were amazing. Where do these people get such imaginations.

Off traveling tomorrow.

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