Sunday, April 26, 2020


April 23, 2020

After making a detour to St George, we went back to the usual way home. We stay in Alamo, NV.  This is our 2nd time here. Alamo has about 1000 people.  It is about 177 miles north of Las Vegas and 12 miles south of the ET highway.

I wanted to do more of the  ET highway (the  extraterrestrial highway). It is kind of the mecca for  geocachers. The road is 141 miles long and has  over 2000 caches on it.  On the south side of the road is Area 51, all the caches are on the north side. If you go on the south side for anything, you could arrested or shot.  Area 51 is  high security goverment land where they say  there have been alot of Alien sightings. Not sure if that is true or a hoax, just have to believe in what you want to believe in.   Highway 375 borders Area 51. Utah designated Highway 375  as the Extraterrestrial Highway in the 1970's.  We have done a total of 336 caches. We have never seen an Alien in the 3 days we looked for caches

About 55 miles from the start of the road is  the town of Rachael, NV.  It is the only town along the ET highway and a must see for everyone. Rachael has a population of 50. This tiny town has a restaurant and "hotel". The hotel is actually just 10 rooms with 2 bathrooms. Last year, there was a plan for lots of people to storm Area 51. Rachel was town central for that. We  were told that the restaurant was excellent and try the burgers. Have to tell you they were some of the best burgers we have ever had.  Who would have thought that for a tiny town of 50. We went there 2 years ago, bought burgers and even some Alien Wine. We haven't tried that yet. If we drink, does that mean they will take us up into one of the spaceships?? 

This is the ET highway, it goes as far as you can see. The spots in the sky are bugs on the windshield. I took this from inside the car. 

This is the only Alien we saw. The building is  the Alien headquarters. You can buy anything you need or didn't even know you needed to cruise the ET highway 

We took this 2 years ago because it is closed now because of the lockdowns

Rachael from a distance

Couldn't believe it. Rachael is in the middle of nowhere and there are 3 electric car charging stations. 

We were too tired the next day to go back up to the ET highway, so we just geocached around Alamo.  We saw the huge P off in the distance. We couldn't figure out how people even got up there. The P  stands for  the Pahranagat Valley  that Alamo is located in. Alamo is in the foreground. 

We are leaving tomorrow to head for home😩😖

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