Wednesday, April 22, 2020


I haven't really been posting very often because we haven't really done a lot because of the lockdowns. Everything in Pahrump is closed that we wanted to go to, so all we have been doing is geocaching in the desert.  So glad that when we were here 2 years ago, we saw so many places and things that are closed now. When we get to an area for the first  time, I look up everything there is to do and see. We went to Death Valley, Beatty, ghost towns, Valley of Fire, the Mob Museum in Vegas and a whole bunch more. At least  this time we got out of the RV and do our social distancing because we never see anyone in the desert. 

This RV and truck parked across from us. That truck is a what you see hauling semi's. You don't usually see them haul RV's. Two ladies live there, so one of them has to have a Class A license. maybe one had been a truck driver. You see a lot smaller ones like these but you don't need a class A license to drive them.  We test drove one to see how we liked it, but thought it was uncomfortable so wouldn't be good for long hauls. Besides, this truck and the smaller ones would have a hard time driving around looking at things and places and even driving to the grocery store would be a hassle (I think)

Saw this in the laundry. We go on RTE 160 all the time but never saw this restaurant.  Would have probably looked harder if we could have gone to it. Never thought I'd see a Seattle name in Pahrump

On our geocaching travels, we came across a ghost town. It looks like it has been kept up because the buildings were so white. Most ghost towns we see are falling down

Also on our geocaching travels, we ran across this big cow.  There was a geocache beside it. In the background is a Casino. This was probably at least 20 miles from any store or town. Guess you will find Casino's everywhere in Nevada

This is our new look. We haven't found masks anywhere so bought the bandana's. Felt like bank robbers going into the store. My cousin felt sorry for us, she didn't want us to get arrested, so she made us some masks. She scented them with cloves, cinnamon, rosemary and lemon. They smell so good

Took this from our RV. Couldn't get a very good shot, but it was certainly bright. This was the Super Moon a few weeks back

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