Sunday, April 26, 2020


April 21, 2020

Since we changed our plans, we decided to spend a few days  in St George, Utah. We had never been there before. We have spent a lot of time in Utah going to all the National Parks and sights, but never made it down to St. George. We had stayed in Hurricane, Utah, but never made it to St George, only 15 miles south.

Also I need to find geocaches in 3 more counties to qualify for a challenge cache that I had found in Pahrump. The challenge was you had to  have found caches in 100 different counties in the U.S before you could claim it as found.  I only had 97. By going to St George, I would get 2 more counties. What people don't do for geocaching😂😂

St George is beautiful. It was so nice to see tall snow capped mountains, real grass and green trees. We love the desert climate in the winter, but we miss all the green in Washington. 

We only stayed a few days, I wish we had made plans to stay the week

On the way over from Las Vegas to St George, we went through the Virgin River Gorge. It was our first sight of  mountains in 5 months

We had to travel 30 miles to get the 2nd county. We went on a dirt (clay) road. It was flat and wide, the perfect kind of road Denny likes. We turned a corner and the road turned to deep mud and very narrow.  He decided not to go any further. The road was so narrow that Denny couldn't turn around and he had to back up. Even after putting it in 4 wheel drive, we barely made it out of there.  The truck skidded alot and the wheels turned, but didn't go anyway. Don't know what we would have done if we had gotten stuck. We were in the middle of nowhere. 

 Pictures of the wheels after we got back. 

All of the dirt in St George is actually red clay. 

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