Sunday, April 26, 2020


Our original plan was to be back in Renton around May 15th, like we usually do. We were also going to stop and visit friends in Idaho and Eastern Washington on our way home. That all got canceled because of the lockdowns, so  we made a new date to get home, May 5th. 

The last week we were in Pahrump, NV was to be a busy week. Friends were coming to visit and we were going to the O Cirque du Soleil show in Vegas,  Both of those also got cancelled. Because we had been on all the roads we could go on for geocaching, we decided to leave a week early. One nice thing about RVing is that it is easy to change plans. All I had to do is call the RV parks and changed our dates. 

We will be home April 30th, the earliest we have ever been home. We have so much to do at home that we decided to get ahead start on it. It takes Denny about 3 months to get the yard back in shape after being gone so long  plus he has to fix a lot of things that went wrong with the RV this year. We have never had so many things go wrong before. I have alot of cleaning and disinfecting to do before we can even unload the RV. We had an infestation of mice at the house. Our house sitter moved out because of it. Our son, Darin, found 6 mice, 2 in the living room, 2 in the pantry and 2 in the spare room. I don't want to move anything in from the RV til I get the house cleaned. We have never had a mouse problem in the house since we moved in 20 years ago

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