Friday, April 3, 2020


 April 3, 2020

We left Dec 3, 2019, so today marks our 4th month on the road. Because we have had so many problems along the way, it seems longer. 

Last Saturday, we traveled from Palm Springs to Pahrump, NV. It is about 60 miles SW of Vegas. It is  a 10-10-10 park. All of the parks in the U.S. are graded three ways, each on a scale of 1-10.  There are actually very few 10-10-10 parks.  I guess if one has to be quarantine, might as well be in a beautiful park.   We will be here a month, then slowly head for home. Think we're safer here than home because the whole state of Nevada (970) has less cases than King County.

Just like in Palm Springs, we are only going to the desert to geocache and not very often to the grocery store. Because of the recommendation to wear a mask now, we went to Walmart and bought a couple of bandanas. We were also able to finally find some plastic disposable gloves at the hardware store.  We are all set now and still do our social distancing. 

We are in the middle of the desert. The closest town, Las Vegas, is even in another county, that's how secluded we are. 

We had a few cancellations here because of COVID19. We had tickets to go to the O Cirque du Soleil show in Vegas. There are 9 Cirque du Soleil shows in Vegas. We had heard this was the best one (and the most expensive). Also our friends from West Richard, WA had planned on visiting us but that also had to be cancelled. We had been looking forward to going to the Symphony restaurant right next to the campground, but also closed. It  has been rated the best restaurant in NV 6 years in a row. Who would have thought that in little Pahrump there would be a restaurant better than anything in Vegas. 

These pictures were taken about 10 miles from Pahrump

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